Who are Benefited
Aum Sooryaaya Namaha
Aum Shree Adithya Poornanandaya Namaha
Mithraaya Namaha
We welcome you ...
Theosophia Shyamanthaka Mission is an organisation committed to the great mission of propagating the secret messages of our ascended master, who channelises the divine energies of Sooryopasana. Our mission is towards Joy, Bliss, Knowledge, Unconditional love, Prosperity, Abundance peace, Good health, Vedic yogic sadhanas, Powers of mantra, Tantra, Yantra and upasana which leads humanity into enlightenment and positiveness. Attempting to define spirituality in a new age of dot com super fast flow of the day, Shyamanthaka Vidya is the ultimate way, which begins with the basics of Arkavidya. Join us and you will feel proud to announce that you are a mithra from the Mithra Mandali.
TopArkavidya is undoubtedly a great silent spiritual revolution that attuned more than a thousand within a very short span into the mystic world of divine ecstasies. People suffering from health disorders, Skin problems, Relationship complications, Career confusion, Financial crisis, Poor memory, lack of concentrations, Laziness, Failures, Frustrations, Depressions, Tensions, Chaos and lack of abundance have joined the Arkavidya, the shyamanthaka way, an age old vedic and yogic secret spiritual channelling of Soorya Energies and reported miracles. We do not aim to convert people into religion healers. We do not limit ourselves to Religion, Caste, Creed, Language or cult. We do not restrict our students from their regular way of life. We are imparting knowledge and helping out through a strategic system of healthy wealthy peaceful spiritual transfusion. The most powerful mudras initiated to the students activate the inner galaxies of hidden energies and drive them with a positive motivation towards higher goals of the Ascension Process. This is designed to fit into the busy schedules of corporate people, students and business people. This is for one and all.
Arkavidya is running towards the 100th successful batch and we are happy as we recieve hundreds of letters, photographs, e-mails, experiences, enquiries and good wishes from all, across the globe.
Theosophia Shyamanthaka Mission works towards unity, humanity and spirituality. We offer Meditations, Counselling, Introductory Sessions, Discourses, Esoteric Healings, Natural Remedies, Astro Numerological Consultations, Vaasthu Awareness Workshops, Mantra, Tantra, Yantra, Ratna and Yogic Channelling.
Ralph Waldo says ---- we are always getting ready to live, but never living.
We initiate amazing techniques to develop the art of peaceful, prosperous and joyful living. We do not reveal it is Shaktipath. We invite all open-minded people to join Arkavidya and practice it to join Vajrakeelana, which will guide them to Shyamanthaka Vidya followed by Agnikeelana. Each workshop level is independent by itself though there is a connection all along. After each Keelana, there is an opportunity to opt for the Gurumithra Mastership Level initiation, which authorises an individual to reach or initiate others independently.
People who have joined our Mission are quite happy and many of them report the changes and experiences in their entire life system. The vital channelling of the sacred Tetrahedron Oracle Z-Beam into your life system is quite enthralling.
We Offer?
We are honoured to find learned people from almost all walks of life who finished Arkavidya viz.,
- Students
- Employees
- Business Men
- Doctors
- Engineers
- Bank Managers
- Mathematicians
- Reiki Masters
- Esoteric Professionals
- Writers
- Yoga Masters
- Architects
- House Wives
- Retired People
- Professionals
- Professors
- Charted Accountants
- Scientists
- Lawyers
- Student from other Cults
- Journalists
- Film Personalities
- Political Personalities
- Artists
They are all overwhelmed with joy and are very satisfied with our approach, concept and dedication to improve the quality of life.
Many of Arkavidya students say
- The two days workshop gave us an impact of a one-year long learning.
- The master teacher has made it clear and specific the mission and purpose.
- The many chapters and subjects are thick, strong, informative, simple to apply and easy to practise.
- Meditation has become more easy and wonderful.
- Arkavidya has revealed the entire patterns of Bhakti and Sadhana.
- We developed love for Vedas and Upanishads.
- Smoking, Drinking and other such vices have automatically stopped.
- We are no more lazy, lethargic and procrastinating.
- Memory potency and clarity of understanding has developed.
- No more frustration, worry, fear, depression and tensions.
- No more hurdles, blockages, postponements and delays in pursuing my goals.
- My memory, speech and performance had improved.
- My matrimonial life and love has been very wonderful after the initiation.
- My spiritual quest is strengthened.
- I am now a busy and successful healer.
- I have developed a great desire to read, to mediate, to visit all holy places and be open to every thing.
- I am successful in all my endeavours.
These are the regular comments we keep recieving from many of our dedicated mithras.
We are also proud to reveal a few of the rare experiences from other ARKA sadhaks who are practicing regularly says
- I am connected to the Astral World after the initiation.
- I constantly see Ganesha and Durga Matha.
- My chakras are stronger, energetic and vibrating with multiple colours.
- My Aura is widened, broadened and brightened.
- I have developed clairvoyant powers.
- My backbone sends pulsating vibrations when I meditate.
- I see Hamsavahini at my third eye zone.
- I am able to feel the throb and vibration of my inner self.
- I am studded with unbelievable energies.
- I am able to pursue excellent sadhanas.
- I am able to communicate with ascended souls, masters and spirits.
These are only a few. Many students report miracles and keep sending me detailed mails of their astounding experiences and ecstasies.
Some of them are required to be kept unrevealed.
We honestly reveal a few experiences of hardly a negligible percentage of students, who say
- We could not practice immediately.
- We could not experience any supernatural or divine aspects.
- I have more knowledge and information than what is taught to me in Arkavidya.
- I know all these.
- I don't believe in Astrology, Mantra, Tntra, God or such supernatural, Superstitious nonsense.